Information About Latest Kayak TV Ad Tender
Kayak Tender commercial is the newest 2021 TV commercial ad of Kayak. Also known as Tender advert. Kayak commercial Tender. Kayak try to promote products through Tender Kayak TV advertisement 2021.
Two women finalize plans for a much-needed vacation, one of them noting that she just booked their hotel through Kayak. She places her tablet on the counter where her vacation partner is preparing a meal and innocently notes that she could cancel if necessary, pleased with her choice of a flexible reservation. At the mere mention of the “c” word, the second woman freezes, meat tenderizer in hand and memories of a year stuck at home fresh in her mind. She emphasizes each word as she switches her target from the steak to the tablet — “Nothing! Will! Stop! Me! From! Vacation!” — eliminating all possibility of the device cancelling her great escape. Booked our hotel on kayak, it’s flexible for me to cancel. CANCEL? I haven’t left the house in a year. HAHA. NO CANCELLING. >:)
Actors in Kayak TV Spot Tender
Actors/Actress in Kayak commercial Tender. Sorry no information about who are actors/actress in the Kayak TV Commercial Tender.
Song in Tender Kayak Advert 2021
Kayak TV Spot Tender commercial song. Sorry no information about the singer who sing the song that used in Kayak Advert Tender. No information which song is used in the Kayak TV commercial ad Tender.
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