Pringles Super Bowl Ad 2023 Meghan Trainor Teaser


A preview for Pringles’ Meghan Trainor-featuring Super Bowl LVII ad has been released.

The Grammy Award-winning singer can be seen in the 15-second clip setting up her phone on a tabletop tripod and performing the popular TikTok dance to her song “Made You Look” while wearing an all-black dress and black sunglasses. She eventually pauses to take another cheddar cheese Pringles chip out of the recognizable cylinder-shaped tube, but her hand becomes trapped within.

As her song plays on in the background, she rattles the orange tin and exclaims, “Come on!” But she quickly understands she’s in big trouble.

The date 02.12.2023 shows on the screen at the conclusion of the advertisement. The food company therefore announces the release of its whole Super Bowl ad.

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