First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber Oculus Quest 2 TV Commercial Ad 2020

Information About Latest Oculus Quest 2 First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber Advert 2020

Oculus Quest 2 First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber commercial is the new 2020 TV commercial ad of Oculus VR. Oculus VR try to promote products ‘Beat Games Beat Saber, Oculus VR Quest 2, Crytek The Climb 2’ through First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber Oculus Quest 2 TV advertisement.

A curious woman picks up an Oculus Quest 2 and is transported into a different world where she’s free climbing a skyscraper on “The Climb 2” before falling. She quickly decides the game isn’t for her and switches to “Beat Saber” where she’s smashing boxes to the beat of the song. The Oculus Quest 2 is now available for purchase and starts at $299.

Actors in Oculus Quest 2 First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber Commercial 2020

Actors/Actress in Oculus Quest 2 commercial First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber. Sorry no information about who are actors/actress in the Oculus Quest 2 TV Commercial First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber.

Song in First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber Oculus Quest 2 Advert 2020

Oculus Quest 2 First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber TV commercial ad song. Sorry no information about the singer who sing the song that used in Oculus Quest 2 Advert First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber. No information which song is used in the Oculus Quest 2 TV commercial ad First Steps Climb 2 and Beat Saber.

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