Information About Latest Dr Pepper TV Ad 2021 Fansville Transfer Portal Rico Featuring Brian Bosworth
Brian Bosworth Dr Pepper Fansville Transfer Portal Rico commercial is the newest 2021 TV commercial ad of Dr Pepper. Also known as Fansville Transfer Portal Rico advert. Dr Pepper commercial Fansville Transfer Portal Rico. Dr Pepper try to promote products ‘Dr Pepper, Diet Dr Pepper’ through Dr Pepper TV spot Fansville Transfer Portal Rico featuring Brian Bosworth.
On a spooky night, citizens of college football town Fansville gather at the graveyard-like “transfer portal” to convince a player not to take the leap. Distraught over his most recent depth chart stats, Rico ignores reassurances from the town sheriff and trudges slowly towards the portal in his State uniform. The townsfolk attempt their final pleas –“You don’t have to transfer!” “You’re only a sophomore! There’s still time!” — but he jumps through the portal with a last battle cry: “Rico’s time is nowww!” Fansville’s disappointment is palpable when a much smaller player arrives for the trade, but all is forgiven when the newbie mentions the Dr Pepper he brought to share with the town. “Welcome to State!”
Actor/Actress in Dr Pepper Fansville Transfer Portal Rico TV Spot 2021
Actor/actress in Dr Pepper commercial Fansville Transfer Portal Rico are below:
Brian Bosworth – Sheriff, Nick Ballard – Face paint guy
Song in Fansville Transfer Portal Rico Dr Pepper Commercial Featuring Brian Bosworth
Song in Brian Bosworth Dr Pepper Commercial Fansville Transfer Portal Rico. Sorry no information about who sing the song that used in Dr Pepper TV commercial Fansville Transfer Portal Rico. No information which song is used in the Fansville Transfer Portal Rico by Brian Bosworth Dr Pepper TV commercial ad 2021
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